
Welcome, and my condolences that you had a need to find this site. I know it means that you're either going through hell or know someone else who is, and that you wanted information to help understand how things can be this way. I know that feeling all too well.

This site grew from my need, after experiencing three first-trimester miscarriages, to have answers. During my experience of trying to conceive a baby, I spent nearly every spare moment learning and reading almost everything I could find that could help me understand why Ilost my babies. At only 21, my husband and I lost our first pregnancy at 5 weeks to an unexplained miscarriage and were told by our doctor that it was one of those things that "just happens." When we lost the second one at 9.5 weeks, we had a few blood tests turn up normal and then were told that we had bad luck. I miscarried the third one after using progesterone suppositories, then visited an RE to learn that I had lupus anticoagulant antibodies and possibly just needed to take low-dose aspirin to keep our next baby. I am overwhelmed with joy to say that it worked and I am now the mother to a beautiful baby girl. But what a long and hard road it was. Every time I look at her I'm reminded of what it took to bring her here and the fact that so many women out there are still in the horrible emotional place that I resided in for so long.

During this whole unpleasant journey, I have felt that information about recurrent miscarriages should be easier to find and to understand. The information is out there, but there was no central place where men and women could go to find it. I hope this site can provide such a resource. If this site helps but one couple find information to help stop their recurrent miscarriages or any kind of comfort along the way, then it will justify all the time I've put into it.

If you have time, please send me a note to share your thoughts on this site. I would love to hear any suggestions, comments, or stories. In addition, I am trying to collect success stories from couples who have made it through recurrent miscarriages and now have a baby, so if you are a "recurrent miscarriage survivor," please consider submitting your story as an inspiration for others who are still fighting their way through the battle for a baby.

Thanks, and best wishes!


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